Sometimes it is so easy to think: it's raining, and on days like these I just feel like sitting inside and moaning about the weather and moping about the apartment and being like a household cat. Well, maybe that's just me. But whether it is just me or not, I feel the necessity to share how I get over these rainy day blues.
I ran two miles yesterday on the treadmill at McBurney YMCA listening to what I thought was Leftover Salmon but was actually They Might Be Giants, and I re-discovered the beauty of the lyrics of this song.
Now, everyone, imagine that your life was taken too early and you were thrown to the back of the grocery mart before your expiration date said it was time for Mark the Grocer to do so and everyone you know is dancing on your casket...
"Did a large procession wave their (Did a)
Torches as my head fell in the basket, (large pro-)
And was everybody dancing on the casket? (cession dance?)
Now it's over I'm dead and I haven't done anything that I want (now it's over)
Or, I'm still alive and there's nothing I want to do"
The point isn't that Mark the Grocer is like a type of God, or that dancing on caskets is bad, or that people will rejoice in the ending of your life, the point is that while we are alive we seem to sit back and hide in the corridors of the supermarket shelves. Maybe I should stop the analogy here. Get out and fulfill your dreams! And if you feel there is nothing you want to do, SEEK!
PS I do want everyone to celebrate at my funeral. Life is something to celebrate, whether it be the beginning, middle, or end.

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