ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbring the world to a haulted position freeze the rotation into a moldable stasis make this your time to unwind and tilt the axis into an uncomfortable angle until the bend drops your level of inevitability into a state of elasticity where sporatic meets monotony spontenatity slaps, spontaneously, redudency redundently into the reduction of scientific fact replacing numbers with words and rules with breaks of intrusion cave spelunking corroding making old the knowns re-inventing re-shaping reducing resizing escalating ballooning blooming living life as it is as it were as it will never ever be ever never again for the moment is forever transcendent translucent ephemeral and meak; lasting wafting through the slight breeze trickling like an opera conductor operating the space around this place as water is splashed by the peddling of duckfeet. meet me, meet me there. in this place in my world in our world aren't i a work of art?
you're second post was nearly exactly almost perfectly one year after your first post!
i know!
how appropriate is that~
my blogging matches perfectly my procrastinatishness
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