Monday, November 6, 2006

LIU...2006 NEC Women's Soccer Champions!!

We are the bomb, and above is how we show it.
For an update: LIU women's soccer will be playing the Texan Longhorns on Friday, November 10th at 8:30PM @ UCONN. Texas is ranked number 1 in our bracket so we will probably slaughter them. Okay... more pictures of the Northeast Conference Champions. Wait, who won the NECs? What was the score? Two, nil? Wow, Monmouth got dominated. Oh, how we love being coy.

This is us before, at the banquet in the ever-so-ghetto Brooklyn Triangle Theatre. Catered by The Blackbird Cafe, woopwoop! And although we were not only the hottest team at the banquet, the smartest team at the banquet, but also the best soccer team at the banquet, we were robbed of many awards!! grrrr, we wanted to play in our heels...

Oh we didn't need those plaques anyways.. we got the BIG ONES. And the ringggggggs. Gans=Tournament MVP. LIU=NEC Champions! Screw coach of the year, rookie of the year, player of the year, defensive player of the year (all going to Monmouth) how about TEAM of the year? ...L I U!

I love this team to the extent of obsession. Who else would take a picture in their underwear after winning a championship?


p.s. hail the greatest coaches ever. hehe


Fundraising for LLS said...

still learnin how to post videos
blogger-guru stephanie kansky is sleeping in her 'tent' so the bomb video will be fixed at her awakening. patience is... pesky?

frillytoothpicks said...

i want to see the bomb vid!

awaken her at once!!!