This cute boy is an exaggerator, I already know it. He does improv, so his ability to makes things up on the spot is very good, and suspicious. "Okay," I say, "bring me to this guy in the bathroom." Immediately, he brings me towards the men's bathroom, which I am extremely excited about because I can't imagine myself having a conversation with a man in a men's bathroom- it just seems absurd. But in a moment's time, I am meeting Cisco. He is this African man with a huge smile who greets me as if he's heard everything in the world about me. Carlin introduces me as if this man is his old friend, and he explains that I didn't believe his story about the man in the bathroom. The man introduces himself as Francisco, and says that I am a very lucky woman because the best kind of way to be talked about is behind your back, if it is in a very good way. Cisco tells me that this man will take very good care of me, and I should take very good care of him. He also tells us both to take it "soft and slow".
I cannot believe tonight. This moment was by far my favorite.
A close second to my favorite was the first moment that I saw Carlin at the bar and he lit up light a Christmas tree and gave me a huge hug as if he had been hoping to see me as much as I had hoped that he would show up and I would see him! The magic eight ball was right, I didn't have to ask him, he would show up on his own! Thanks fate!
A close second to my favorite was the first moment that I saw Carlin at the bar and he lit up light a Christmas tree and gave me a huge hug as if he had been hoping to see me as much as I had hoped that he would show up and I would see him! The magic eight ball was right, I didn't have to ask him, he would show up on his own! Thanks fate!
But there was another favorite. (This next memory I have melded two memories together. The first time he told me he was very interested in me was standing in the lounge with everyone around and I couldn't stop smiling and then we stood there and he said, "I don't know what to say next because I know I will say something stupid." And I told him to say something stupid and he said, "7+4 is 18". I like his purposeful stupidity.) Melded favorite memory: When Carlin stopped me on the stairs and told me that from the first time that he saw me at soccer he knew that I was a very genuine person that he instantly connected with. And he sort of half leaned in to kiss me or to get close or maybe he was just falling but no matter what was happening I just kissed him instead of saying something in return. Because as we all know this is what I have been wanting to do. And this was before Cisco's advice about "taking it soft and slow". I'm not even sure those were the two exact words that he used, but I will definitely ask Carlin tomorrow because it felt as if it was the best advice I had ever been given in my entire life. It felt as if it was a transition moment where if I didn't follow this guru's advice, I might never find my true path. I take Cisco's word deep into my heart and cherish it deeply. Which is why I must confirm EXACTLY what it was he said!
Second favorite moment: (or first). In between Broadway-Lafayette and West 4th, I told him that I was getting off at the next stop. Can I kiss you before you leave he said, and I said yes, of course and we just had one of those melting, feel-like-one, lips becoming each other's kisses, and the subway car was bouncing everywhere and helping move our natural kiss in unnatural ways, which made it even better. Like we were kissing on a standing roller coaster or something.
I am just so happy. So happy.
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